Wednesday, March 30, 2011

feeling hot hot hot... and not in a good way...

Sickness. I hate sickness. O has been sick for a couple of days now, and I'm sick too. O being sick means two things... She wakes up all the time at night and she doesn't eat. Those things together means I'm up at all hours during the night and my boobs leak milk all the time. It sucks.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Back again, typing on the iPad with O sleeping in my arms. I'm hoping W won't notice me doing this and demand to have the iPad to play games.

So O was born one rainy November Friday, my contractions started in the morning and I started timing them at 10 am. At 11 I woke J up and let him know I was having regular contractions and that we wold probably have to go to the hospital soon. He had a shower and I called the hospital to ask about when to go in. My contractions were about 5 minutes apart. They told me to come in right away since it was my second baby. We took a taxi to the airport, leaving my mom behind to pick W up from daycare and care for him until we got back. At the hospital we found out my doctor Dr Brown was the attending doctor. He checked me and I was 4 cm open and he decided that was enough for me to stay. I got a room and we made ourselves comfortable. My contractions were not very painful and they were coming in a bit sporadically. After about 3,5 hours a resident came in and broke my water, I was 5 cm open and 80% effaced. The contractions were still not very painful but once my water was broken they started coming in hard and fast, they got very painful very fast and after about an hour I had resorted to crying in a fetal position and wanted the epidural so bad. The nurse ordered if for me and while we were waiting for the anaesthesiologist I told them I had to go number two. That raised a red flag with the nurse and she decided I had to be checked because that was probably my baby I was feeling. She forced me down on my back and had a look and discovered that she could already see O's head. No time for the epidural the anaesthesiologist was sent away when he showed up and a frantic search for Dr Brown started. Our room was flooded by residents, interns, nurses and Dr Brown. And after pushing for about two minutes she was out.
She was born on November fifth at five, twenty-seven pm. 50 cm and 3940g ( 20 inches and 8,11 lbs) and she was (is) perfect. The nurses were astonished over her pinkness , she didn't have a sign of jaundice and she was happy and sweet from the get go. We stayed at the hospital for 24 hours before going home to a sick W.
My mom and my M-I-L came up with W an hour after she was born to see her and W brought a book for her (The Mommy Book) and O had a gift for him (Jet Ray Lego).

Once home we had a sick W and a tiny baby but with some help from my mom we managed fine. W is a lovely big brother and even though he's not that interested in babies he wants to keep her and he watches over her and makes sure she's alright and he tries to make her laugh.

That's all I have tine for now, I have to go read a bed time story to W and sing him a song.

More later.

4,5 months later

Last I wrote here was in September when I was sick and pregnant. Then I don't know what happened. I lost interest in writing.

So to recap. O is here, she came out on Guy Fawkes day, remember remember the fifth of November. 5 days late and I swear I spent those five days doing star jumps and drinking raspberry leaf tea. When she did come she came out fast though. Too fast for the epidural, but more on that later.

She's now 4,5 months and lovely.

Now I have to feed the bigger monster and myself before the baths... I'll try to remember to post again later today.