Sunday, March 29, 2009

first day of spring.

I just handed over my report... now the waiting game begins. I still haven't gotten the results of my exam so god knows how long it'll take to get the results on this. On Tuesday the next course begins and I'll be learning all about international politics and conflicts. This is the one I'm the most exited about since I'm kind of hoping to go into conflict resolution in the future. I can't wait to get my books.

In other news the weather here in mtl has been lovely and we're spending more and more time outside. I can't wait for the weather to be warm enough so we don't have to wear coats anymore but I'm sure it'll come soon.

Yesterday it was 13°C (that's 55°F) outside and sunny. It was absolutely lovely outside so we took W to the park. He played like never before and was so happy he danced and ran at the same time too cute. Our neighbours are moving back to Switzerland in a week or so so they decided to give away their couch and left it on the curb for someone to pick it up. We decided to channel the Simpsons and do a couple of family photos. It is potentially the ugliest couch ever with the different coloured maple leaves on it but still someone picked it up over night and it's now gone.

Well yesterday was lovely and as crappy as it is outside today it still gave me hope that summer might still come this year.

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Friday, March 20, 2009


I am now officially stuck. I have be working on this report for what feels like forever now and I just can't get it done. I feel like I am somehow missing the point of the assignment. So I am taking a breather and sending it off for review with my mom and me and W packed up our stuff and went to the botanical gardens to look at butterflies. Not the dead pinned to a cushion behind glass kind, but the free flying kind. They are beautiful but a bit creepy crawly for my taste. I kind of jumped and held W very close as soon as one of them flew a little too close to my head... or his head for that sake.

the butterflies are hungry too

pretty but very creepy crawly

my own personal butterfly!

Checking out the moth cocoons.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

in the land of Canada (and Australia)

Sorry for the lack up updates I have been a busy busy bee. Last week I had my exam to write and this week I am doing my report. I have to write a 4000 word report on the differences and similarities of the Canadian and Australian political systems. If you guys have any awesome words of wisdom on the subject please do tell!

Anyway my head is swimming with information on the two countries and when I'm not taking care of W, writing my report or relax I am doing my citizenship application since I am now legible to apply. Woohoo!

So for more great details of our dull everyday life you guys will just have to stay tuned for when I will feel finished enough to write something here.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

hey you!

Didn't I tell you to remind me not to ever ever ever again go to the biodome during school break?? I am pretty sure that I did... or maybe I didn't. Whatever I'll just blame you guys anyways!

So we went to the biodome today and it was packed. When we walked in the guy told us there was a 15 minute wait to buy your ticket to get in. I have a membership card so I just flashed that and got to go straight in with about 100 angry parents giving me evil eyes. Anyways made our way through the thing quite fast cause there were too many people to see any animals and then we had lunch. After lunch we went to the English showing of "The secrets of the Biodome" which was very cool and very quiet since we live in Quebec. Then we went home.

W fell asleep in the stroller on the Metro and slept for like 2 hours in there. He really loves his new stroller and so do I. My mom bought us the MacLaren Techno XT. It's fantastic.

I still have the sniffles and I still have my exam to do. I've almost finished 7 out of the 9 questions so it feels quite good so far.

Monday, March 2, 2009

the common cold

Today W had gymnastics this morning. I wasn't sure if I was gonna take him since he's been sick and all but this morning he was fine. He was playful and happy and he didn't even fight the snow pants. So off we went. We got there everything was fine until it was time to go inside. He did not want to. He refused to let go of his little mater car and just wanted me to hold him the whole time. He didn't want to dance with the other kids or do any of the activities, he just wanted to be held. Then another kid spotted his mater car and promptly demanded he'd get his cars out as well, his mom caved and gave him a car. W spotted the other car and decided he wanted both cars. He was very determined and cried and cried, the other mom encouraged her kid to share so we swapped cars. W was happy for a whole 30 seconds then he wanted mater back. He simply wanted to have both cars and he was not gonna settle for less.

That's around the time I decided to leave. One of the other moms asked me if I wanted her to see if W could get a sticker anyways (they get stickers at the end of the class) but I told her he did not deserve one. I then felt pretty bad all day for saying my son doesn't deserve a sticker. I mean he was not well behaved at all but on the other hand he was a bit sick still. I just thought that the behavior he showed at that class should not be encouraged by giving him the reward for a class well done when he didn't do it at all. Maybe I'm over thinking this... what do you think?

So we left and went grocery shopping instead. Then we had an absolutely lovely day at home. W was happy and playful and didn't ask for the TV or the pacifier a lot. He slept well ate alright and was a joy to be around. So he seems fine, now I'm the one feeling crappy. I have the sniffles also known as the common cold and the horror of the winter. When will we find a vaccine for the common cold?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

wittle one

I have a headache, and W's been sick for the last 3 days. Yesterday his fever didn't go below 39°C (that's 102°F) all day. I gave him tempra but it just didn't do anything for the poor little one. In the evening I gave him motrin and down his fever went. Me and J were both agitated and worried and kept arguing and trying to decide if we had to take W to the hospital. He tends to have breathing difficulties when he gets sick and last time we ended up spending a night at the hospital because one of his lungs collapsed partially. You can read about that here. Below is a photo from that terrible night.

So naturally we get worried everytime he gets sick and especially when he gets a cough. We give him two different kinds of inhalers and keep a close watch on his breathing. W unlike most people doesn't like to sleep when he's sick, he'll fight and fight and fight until finally he'll fall asleep wherever he happens to be. Yesterday that was in the chair in front of the TV.

I hate it when he's sick. He's a little better now though. We'll see if he's good enough to go to the gymnastics tomorrow.
Now I'm gonna attempt to answer another couple of questions on my exam for my university course.