Saturday, November 15, 2008

a long and scary night

I know it's been a while since I wrote anything here. I'd like to say I've been busy but I don't know if that's really true. Anyways. I guess I haven't had anything important to say.

Yesterday my baby was diagnosed with pneumonia and got started on antibiotics. Later in the afternoon he started breathing super fast. Like he's just been out running laps and his fever went up to 39.4°c so I took him to St Justine children's hospital. There we got to go straight to the triage and then got moved instantly to observation. We spent 4 and a half hour in observation while Wilhelm was given 5 rounds of asthma inhaler treatment as well as cortisone. He also had to do more x-rays. Then the doctor sat with us for 10 minutes just watching Wilh breath, since his breathing was still very fast we got admitted to the respiratory bloc in the hospital and then the night from hell began.

We got to our room just before 10 p.m. Wilh usually goes to bed at 7 p.m. so he was already exhausted. I finally managed to speak to my hubby and told him to get his ass to the hospital asap cause the nurses were bugging me to go downstairs to do the admission and leave Wilh alone upstairs with an orderly. I was not going to leave my 16 month old, sick baby with some stranger for anything, he already have issues with me leaving him even if he's with his dad. I rocked Wilh to sleep and refused to put him down in the prison style crib provided just in case they'd force me to do the admission if he was sleeping. An hour later or so my hubby showed up and did the admission and got the update of what had happened up until that point. Then the first of what felt like a million interruptions of Wilh's sleep came.

We had a special nurse come every 2 hours to give Wilh his asthma inhaler.The asthma inhaler is a torture device in Wilh's eyes and he will do anything to get away from it. He was given 4 doses every 2 hours and it was horrible, he's scream and cry and kick and hit every time. I had a couple of the poor nurses be very surprised by how strong he is even with a high fever, breathing difficulties and after being rudely awoken.

About half an hour after the inhaler came the general well being and temperature check. Every 2 hours or so all night.

Then the resident showed up and she was very nice. She evaluated him and decided to put an IV on him and to give his antibiotics intravenous. She also told us that Wilh's symptoms were that of an asthma crises and that they would treat him for both pneumonia and asthma crises. Hubby got into a discussion on the topic of which causes which bronchilitus causing asthma or asthma causing bronchilitus...

After she left the team came to put the IV in and I have never felt so helpless in my entire life. They held him down and it took forever and his poor little hand was bleeding and they put this cardboard thing under his wrist and hand and taped his hand and wrist to his so he couldn't move it at all. Then they wrapped the whole thing in a towel which they also taped to his hand. It looked like he broke his hand and was wearing a cast. It was so sad to see him try to do things with just one hand. Poor lilla bus bus.

Me and hubby go no sleep, maybe 3 hours all together and Wilh didn't get much more, poor baby. He was so tired and feverish when the morning came. He didn't eat anything. Then there were more checks and treatments and then the head of paediatrics came by and did an evaluation of Wilh and told us he didn't think bus had pneumonia at all and that he would speak to the radiologist to get an expert opinion. The radiologist agreed with the paediatrician that Wilh did not in fact have pneumonia but rather a partially collapsed lung caused by a viral infection and an asthma crisis. Apparently this is good news. Wilh got taken off the antibiotics and got prescribed and anti inflammatory liquid for his airways and lungs and we got sent home.

We got back here at 3.30 p.m. 23 hours after we left for the hospital. Very tired. Wilh fell asleep at 6.30 and I think we'll follow him shortly.

Pictures from the hospital will follow later.

"Now it's time to go to sleep
so we will sleep with our pet zeep
Today was good today is gone
tomorrow is another one
Every day from here to there
funny things are everywhere"
-Dr. Seuss

1 comment:

The Panic Room said...

WOW! That sounds awful. I have to tell ya it doesn't get better with age. I watched my father in ICU for weeks get treated the same way. And he reacted almost the same way. it is rare to ever hear stories of people have great caring experiences in the hospital. bummer. hope everyone is feeling better :)