Sunday, November 23, 2008


Today was all about family. I packed up my little family in the car and away we drove to my extended family. We spent the afternoon with Grand-Papa, Matante Marilou, Uncle Stef and cousins Fadia, Lia and Noah. It was very nice.
We're a very international family with me being Swedish, hubby French-Canadian and Uncle Stef is from New Zeeland. We try to incorporate all the different traditions of holidays into our celebrations and it usually turn out really nice. All the kids are at least bilingual and in the case of Wilh, even trilingual.

It's nice spending time with family, the nieces and nephew are growing so much and it's so much fun spending time with them watching them grow into their own little people. See them interact with Wilh and watch him admire his cousins. He loves Lia, he was hugging her all day today and every girl he sees he calls Lia. It's one of his favorite words. He also started saying Daddy properly this week and he gets the word right too. He says daddy and points do daddy or when daddy leaves he holds his hands up palms facing up and says daddy meaning daddy gone. He's getting so much more verbal these days he actually uses language to communicate and he uses words along with gestures to make himself understood. It's great. I love that he one morning was a bit cold so he said "brrrr" while hugging his chest and shaking a bit so I would cuddle him under the blanket.

I've read a bit about multilingualism and we were a bit worried that his language skills would take longer to develop due to the many different languages he has to learn but so far so good. He understands Swedish very well, he understands French pretty well but his English comprehension is not as good. We read a lot of books in English though so I'm sure he'll pick up on it soon enough.

He's so amazing and fantastic and I feel so privileged to spend so much time with him, watching him learn.

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