Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I love Dr. Seuss...

...and so does Wilhelm. We read Seuss books every day. Right now my favorite is "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish" but it changes from week to week.
He likes "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish" too and when we get to the page with "here are some who likes to run
they run for fun in the hot hot sun

oh me, oh my
oh me, oh my
what a lot of funny things go by"

He takes his pacifier out and says meomy meomy and laughs, it's great.

Speaking of the pacifier (or napp like we call it) we've been slowly weening him off it for the last couple of months and right now he only uses it for naps and nighttime. This has been rather easy so far, I ask him for the napp and he gives it to me and we put it on the shelf and wave bye bye every time he wakes up. But now since he's been sick things have been a bit different around here. He now asks for the napp during the day and has full on meltdowns when he can't have it.

Luckily his attachment to the napp is not as strong as the attachment to the blanket. He has a little giraffe blanket I bought for him when he was little and I realized that the big "Linus-blanket" I bought for him was not convenient to carry around everywhere. It used to have dotted velvet on the back but that is long gone now and even thinking of washing it is a no go. He will not go anywhere without it and if you try to put it down so he can eat or something he will cry cry cry until he gets it back. He doesn't have the blanket all the time but he doesn't like it being put away in a bag or in the bed or in the stroller, every time I try to pack it he will promptly unpack it again and if it doesn't come loose when he tugs on it he will cry until it's given to him. It's a real love affair he's got going with that blanket.

Wilhelm loves the blanket, the napp, Dr. Seuss, mamma, papa, mormor, grand-maman, grand-papan, matante and his cousins above all other things.

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