Thursday, November 27, 2008

Back to my roots... sort of

Today i got to spend the day with lovely Julie. She had a big birthday this week so she took the week off work and me and W got to steal her for a day. We picked her up this morning and headed off towards IKEA. I love IKEA, IKEA is like home... sort of... it's Swedish and most of my furniture are from IKEA.
Anyway, more on my love for IKEA later (I've already said IKEA 6 times in this post).

As we're getting off the island of Montreal and on to the highway the car starts making this weird noise. My car makes weird noises all the time and it's mostly leaves stuck in the ventilation system so I wasn't too worried. But the noise was very weird though. It sounded a bit like a cat playing with a plastic bag in the back of the car. So we're driving along not paying too much attention to the noise when the car behind us pulls up next to us and starts gesticulating to us pointing down and telling us to slow down. So we slow down and I get a bit worried. I look for the nearest exit, which is no where near enough, and get off the highway. I stop as soon as I can and get out and run around the car but I can't see anything so I look under the car and lo and behold a big rusty piece of metal is hanging loose under the car dragging the ground on one side. Julie is out at this point too looking and she thinks it's my muffler that's on the floor but it's not it's something else. I don't know what though so I decide to do what I always do when the car breaks, I call my hubby. J is not answering though so I call my sister-in-law, she not answering either so I have to make my own decision.

Luckily right next to where we're standing there's a gas station and garage so we drive there and I go in and say "Something fell off my car underneath" They tell me to get in the garage and they raise the car up and we see that it's the cover for the gas tank that's loose. The mechanic tells me it's not serious and just takes it off completely, after struggling a bit with the rusty bolts, and sends us on our way. This little debacle only set me back 15 dollar so that makes it the cheapest car issue to date, though I'm sure we'll have to replace that piece at some point which should make it a lot more pricey.

So on to IKEA, did I mention I love IKEA? They have candy, and glögg, and pepparkakor and cheap good furniture. I can not go to IKEA and not spend money but I did show some restraint today and only got a few things. We'll be going back after Christmas when we're gonna get all the stuff we need to start making W's big boy room and a make over for the guest room/ cat room which will be transformed into a cosy play area. I'm very exited about these changes and I spent a lot of time online searching for ideas how to make a tiny and cramped room with no window into a great relaxing space.

Speaking of relaxing, I shall now go play some guitar hero.

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