Tuesday, March 3, 2009

hey you!

Didn't I tell you to remind me not to ever ever ever again go to the biodome during school break?? I am pretty sure that I did... or maybe I didn't. Whatever I'll just blame you guys anyways!

So we went to the biodome today and it was packed. When we walked in the guy told us there was a 15 minute wait to buy your ticket to get in. I have a membership card so I just flashed that and got to go straight in with about 100 angry parents giving me evil eyes. Anyways made our way through the thing quite fast cause there were too many people to see any animals and then we had lunch. After lunch we went to the English showing of "The secrets of the Biodome" which was very cool and very quiet since we live in Quebec. Then we went home.

W fell asleep in the stroller on the Metro and slept for like 2 hours in there. He really loves his new stroller and so do I. My mom bought us the MacLaren Techno XT. It's fantastic.

I still have the sniffles and I still have my exam to do. I've almost finished 7 out of the 9 questions so it feels quite good so far.

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