Monday, November 30, 2009

slow postings...

this fall has been somewhat difficult for me. I had a run in with a depression. And I also found myself totally and utterly absorbed by the Twilight-fever. I have finished reading the books for the second time and I had promised myself I would sit down and try to put into words what I would like to say about this fall once that was done. But now when I'm here all I really want to do is to pick up book one and start right over again. Now this is not a good idea since I have already neglected my school work enough and I should really focus on my work situation.
I am still not ready to put down in words what's going on so I guess if anyone is still reading this you will have to be patient a little while longer.

1 comment:

Farlig Skönhet said...

Du ska iallafall veta att du är väldigt saknad härhemma. Och lillkillen också! När huset är klart har ni en given plats hos oss när ni som helst behöver. Det har ni förstås alltid.

Stora kramar!!!