Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Caught by the rain.

Today was warm, or rather it was smoking hot! The thermometer read 31°C but with a little humidity x factor it felt more like 39°C. So in the morning we were relaxing inside until bus and hubby fell asleep together giving me a nice break. I took a little walk, had a shower and sat in the stairs out front reading. When they woke up 2 hours later me and bus got in the car and went to the mall. I was going to buy suitcases since my lovely in-laws gave me money towards that for my birthday (which is in 2 weeks). I had already picked out the ones I wanted so it was relatively easy. We went downtown yesterday so I could choose some books for the bus for his birthday and to look at the suitcases but I couldn't buy them then cause I had to take the metro home and I had the bus in his stroller. We ended up walking home but a stroller and two suitcases would have been too much anyways so I went today with the car.

While at the mall, bus and I had a cosy lunch at Starbucks and then we went and got busbus his birthday present, he helped me pick it out but he won't get it for another week. Then we went to get the suitcases and it was quite a mess trying to buy them since I had some questions and no one spoke English but in the end it all worked out and this nice little shop helper boy carried the bags to my car. 

As we leave the store the heat outside is unbearable, it is so hot you cannot breathe. But as we near the car the first drops of rain starts falling and the thunder starts rumbling. I quickly put bus in the car then I packed the rest of the stuff. When we got on the highway it really started pissing, like the sky just opened and poured a bucket on us. We had to drive super slow cause  you couldn't see anything. Then it stopped raining and by the time we were in Montreal the streets were dry again and the heat was unbearable. 

The bus was getting tired and cranky and as I finally got onto our street the first drops of rain started falling at the same time as bus fell asleep. Parking on our street is hell and for some reason every time I try to get parking all the spots outside our house are always taken but then I look out 5 minutes later after parking further down the street and there's a free spot. Anyways no parking right outside but not too far away so I take the bus and the keys and we run just as the rain starts coming down hard and bus is rudely awaken. 

Well inside he goes back to sleep and once the rain had stopped pouring I went out for the rest of the stuff. 

Lets just hope this rain will clear out the humidity. and lets also hope that I saved my flowers and herbs on time and that they will resurrect soon.

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