Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Temptation season.

Today me and J and W went out for muffins and hot chocolate right after lunch, and before lunch we watched a bit of Monsters Inc. This might seem like a nice thing to do, and it is, but it's also something I never would have done last summer. I have noticed lately that all the principles I had and all the ideas I stood by before becoming a parent and in the first year of motherhood are slowly slipping away.

It started when I got pregnant really. I gave up everything harmful. I didn't have any coffee, hot chocolate, tea with caffeine, not a sip of anything alcoholic and no fast-food. J was a complete food nazi during my pregnancy and refused to give in to any of my cravings and made sure I didn't overindulge ("You're eating for two not like two"). As a result I was healthy and only gained 10 kg (25 lbs) during my pregnancy and I had lost it all, and more, by the time W was 4 months old. All the while I was breast feeding, which I did for 15 months, I kept it up. I didn't have any of the above mentioned things when I fed him and if I had a glass of wine I made sure W got to drink from my reserve of bottled pumped milk. I had it quite easy with the breast feeding. I had so much milk and pumping was easy so I had a big reserve in the freezer.

I talked big about my kid not watching any TV before the age of 2, and having no chocolate or candy of any sorts until he was at least 3 or 4. I would never give him fast food or let him eat macaroni and cheese from a box. I didn't want him to drink juice and I flat out refused to give him any formula of any sorts (he was given Välling instead which is an oat based beverage for young children).

It all went well, we made it through summer and fall and winter and summer and then something happened. Maybe it was the fact that I started working and J was alone with him in the mornings and took him to the boulangerie and gave him a chocolate chip cookie (he thought it was raisins). Or maybe it was that W was bigger and had more personality and curiosity and wanted what I was having. Or maybe it was that visit to McDonalds after I had my ct scan. Whatever it was it was the beginning of a downward spiral of all my values and big talk.

It started slow with W watching Feist on Sesame Street on Youtube with J. Then we started looking into what else we could watch and in the beginning of December, to get into the Christmas spirit, we started watching the Advent Calendar and the Grinch. *

Then came the cold and there is just nothing like hot chocolate on a cold cold day so it was a little sip here and another little one there. The juice was probably the first to go, when it was too hot in the summer and he refused to drink water, juice seemed like a good idea. And the macaroni and cheese is just so very practical when you have a fussy eater and no time. At least I give him an organic option and I mix in vegetables in there so it's not all bad. **

The candy I kind of sort of still stand by, but he's allowed cookies and he did eat a lot of dough over the holiday season. The fast food I blame J for. We were going out to see the cousins and we had to have lunch on the way and J wanted to go to Harvey's cause it's less bad then McD but then the Harvey's had closed so McD it was and it was good. The food came fast and there were apple slices and orange juice for W and he got a toy and he was happy. So we went again, and again until I finally said enough. Now we're having a fast food free year unless it's very special circumstances like a very long car ride somewhere.

Sometimes I get angry with myself for slacking so much with all of these things I had decided to be strict about. But I find that winter makes it harder to resist temptation. I mean we would never sit in and watch a movie in the afternoon in summer, and hot chocolate in summer is less tempting. Damn winter ruining my good intentions! And it's bloody cold too. -16°C (3.2°F) right now and tomorrow a high of -27°C (-16.6°F) or something equally cold. So here is a little something to warm your heart!

In my awesome winter cosy knitted shirt with the blankie of course.

Playing with Grand-Papa.

Gotta keep those toes warm.
After playing in the snow. Rosy red cheeks!

*I talk more about this here.

**I just learned to make my own mac and cheese so there will be no more boxes unless I have no time at all.

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