Monday, January 5, 2009


In the past couple of weeks W has gone from sweet little boy to tape recorder. He hears everything I say and he repeats it back to me (us). This is awfully cute most of the time. He's gotten so good at the communicating business that it sometimes hard to understand that he understands us so well. I swear he understands French a lot better than me already the little bugger.

Watching Sesame street in the comfy chair.

Anyways, in the beginning of December to get into the Christmas spirit we started watching the advent calendar on SVT online (Swedish TV) every day and J started watching "How the Grinch stole Christmas" with him. At first we weren't realizing that we were actually making him watch TV since all we were doing was watch YouTube. But now we know that our plan to keep him TV free at least until he's 2 failed.

We console each other and try to make ourselves feel better by saying things like: "He only watches movies and limited clips we show him, not any TV", "We always watch it with him, so if he has questions or he points to anything we can explain to him" and "We don't use it as a babysitter". But I think we both feel a bit like failed parents.

At least he's got a healthy snack!

The good thing about the things we make him watch is that he loves it. He asks constantly for "the Goou" (the Grinch) and "Woow-eeee" (Wall-E) and the other day when he realized that there's a picture of Elmo on his diapers he pointed and said "La La La" (as in "Elmo's Song").

He has also as you can probably understand graduated from "Feist on Sesame Street" to "Wall-E", "101 Dalmatians" and "Howl's moving castle". He even watched an episode of "Sesame Street" since we just got PBS.

So cute my little man.

He's talking up a storm now, he repeats everything. J taught him to say "kickass" the other day so he's now walking around saying "kickack". It's fun when they start talking. I can listen to him all day. He's so cute, and he's got the cutest voice. Unfortunately most of his words sounds the same, they all sounds like "Bambe" bambe, means water, Bamse, blanket, poopoo and many other things so sometimes you have to guess.

Tomorrow we're off to the museum with Julie, we're gonna see the Warhole exhibition before it leaves Montreal on January 18. I think W will like it but we'll see tomorrow.

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