Monday, August 3, 2009


Today me and J got into another conversation about child rearing. This time we agreed. We had to take a moment after the fact to ponder this amazing event because it's not very often we both agree fully on things. The subject on which we agree is feeding. We both believe that you should never force your child to finish their plate of food but it's OK to tell your kid that they need to take 3 more bites before leaving the table.
It's nice to agree on things.

Since I promised I would post some photos of our holiday before but haven't gotten around to writing fully about all the fun we had I will post part 1 of our holiday photos now. These are from the first 2 weeks in Sweden. Part 2 will include J and M (W's dad and Grand-maman)

Waiting to board our plane in Montreal. W loves the airport, he loves looking at the planes and the trucks!

Blowing bubbles over W's pool at my mother's chalet in Sweden.

Helped my mom move some furniture around and build some new IKEA stuff. W made sure we all sat in the closet for a while.

Playing outside my Grand-parents, W's great grand-parents house on the west coast of Sweden.

The beach by lake Mälaren in my mom's hometown.


Maggie May said...

Seriously coparenting is really hard, if you really are doing it together- but sooo worth it, huh.

Lia said...

Yes absolutely! Especially when he agrees with me =)