Saturday, August 29, 2009

oh great

It's back to school time for many out there, me included. I start taking two more courses at university on Monday; Political theory and Community democracy. I just got all my schedules and most of it looks doable except for one thing. My Political Theory course has an exam end of October that I will do at home. You get to download the exam at a certain hour and you then have 5 hours from them to complete it. Sound good? It does sound good until you see the time. I am studying at a university in Sweden. The course is a distance course so I can do all of it from here and I'm not required to show up for any classes they all show up online. The exam they want me to take is available to download at 9 am Swedish time. Canada is 6 hours behind Sweden so for me that means it's available to download at 3 am an need to be finished before 10 am.
This is not good.
Granted I might get some peace and quiet while writing the exam seeing it's so early and everyone will be sleeping but I doubt my brain actually functions at that hour.
I wrote my teacher and asked if there is anything I can do about this so we'll see how it'll work out. I'll keep you posted.
We've been busy been around here lately rediscovering our city dealing with the embarrassment that is the car and generally spending hours and hours in the park but today it's raining.
I am the caretaker of a budgie this weekend so I have to go and feed it and give it new water and that bird hates me. It's probably because I smell like cats... can birds smell things? They don't have a nose... I don't know. The bird hates me anyways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha, underbart om fågeln! Du får väl stå ut med att fågeln tycker illa om dig när vi andra tycker om dig istället!
puss emma