Sunday, August 9, 2009

no excuse

W is sick again. Not very sick this time but sick none the less. This makes it 4 viruses in 4 months. He gets sick in the beginning of every month. It's quite something.
W has watched a lot of Pippi Långstrump (Pippi Longstocking to you non-Swedes) lately and he's been talking for the last week about "baka bullar Pippi" which translates to bake cinnamon bunns like Pippi. He even pulled out his dough roller and baked the floor a couple of times so I've been waiting for a rainy day to bake some real ones and let him help. Today is not rainy but since he's sick the park is not really an option so we did it today. The results are yummy. I would have posted photos of the whole thing if I would have had my camera but J forgot it yesterday at W's cousins birthday party. We'll get it back tomorrow... (I hope)
All the baking and the flour on the floor wore my sick little man out so he's now sleeping in mammas säng (Mamma's bed or sometimes Pappa's bed) which he's only allowed to do since he's sick.

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