Saturday, April 5, 2008


Today it's bus's name-day in Sweden. So today it'll be his day! I say that like all the other days aren't his... there is no day that's not Bus's...

On our blackboard in the kitchen it says on top "Bus rules this house"

Luckily he's very cute so even though I disagree with some of his techniques.. like sleep deprivation and excessive crying and pulling on the cats' tails, it's OK I can live with him as my ruling tyrant.

Got some disturbing news today about some people I used to go to school with. Well 2 of them are dead in suicides and one is in jail for keeping his girlfriend hostage and beating her and raping her for quite a while apparently. Feels weird knowing that even though I wasn't best friend with these people or anything I still knew them and I spoke to them and I've been to parties with them and stuff. I guess you never really know some people.

Gotta go bus is spreading dirty laundry all over the floor.


*UPDATE: turns out the name-day is tomorrow ah well

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