Sunday, May 17, 2009

Boy Behaving Badly (Part 1)

W is finally better. I ended up taking him to Ste Justine Hospital on Thursday after his lips turned blue and stuff. After about 6 hours of waiting we got a great doctor (Dr Cohen I think) who very thoroughly checked W and took urine samples and blood samples. The urine sample was a bit of a mess cause they attempted to put a catheter with me holding him down and that didn't work very well. I couldn't stand watching him cry like that so I told them I'd just follow him around with a cup until he peed. They then figured out that they have these bags that go over the wee wee to collect the pee pee so he got one of them. The butchered catheter attempt hurt him though so for the rest of the evening he cried when he peed and told us that he had a boo boo like Iron Giant.
The doctor was so great that she called us last night and asked how W was doing just to follow up and make sure he didn't get worse cause she couldn't figure out what was causing his fever. She also spent at least half an hour with us on Thursday just asking questions and examining him. I wish she was his full-time paediatrician.

Today we went to The Montreal Fire Station Museum. We thought W would really like it since he loves the fire trucks but he was on such terrible behavior that I was embarrassed. He whined and kicked and grabbed and wouldn't listen to the nice guy giving us a guided tour. He didn't want to sit in the fire truck or do anything. He was awful.

I've been waiting to post this because I wanted to upload the photos before posting but since it seems I'm not about to do that right now I might as well post this and note that there are photos to come!

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