Monday, May 11, 2009

to every question...

...there is an answer... and it's always NO!
At least if you ask W. You could pretty much ask him is he wants chocolate cake dipped in ice-cream and he'd say NO!

We were out walking the other day and this clown on the street handing out balloons asked W if he wanted one. He thought about it for a moment then shook his head and said NO! The clown looked a bit taken aback but he gave W a smile anyway and told him that of course if he doesn't want one... W was then unhappy for about 30 minutes crying and asking for the balloon he turned down.

It's hard being a toddler. He'll be 2 in a month or so and he has already started the terrible twos. Or terribly two. Or like my aunt says (I thought I'd just mention she has no kids) the age when the parent become so hard to deal with setting limits and saying no and stuff.

I have to admit I am not dealing great with this new found independence, but as poorly as I deal with it, hubby is worse. I have tried giving him thoughtful advice such as don't ask W a question he can answer no to. Simply tell him you're going to change his diaper or ask him if he wants the red or the blue crayon.

We had a tantrum free day last week and that was the first tantrum free day in months. It was very nice. Me and W went to the biƓdome and looked at the animals and then we attracted the crazies on the metro, not once but twice. It's amazing how cute kids like mine attracts the crazies. Well more about that another day. Now I have to figure out what to make us for dinner.

The first flower he ever picked.
today at the Park LaFontaine

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