Monday, March 17, 2008

9 months

Today it's 9 months since the bus was born. This means that he has been out as long as he was in. This is a big milestone. I can't believe I was pregnant as long as we have had the bus. That seems insane. The bus is so big now. He mastered the crawling completely and he's now working on the talking, he brumms like a car and he says titta (look in Swedish) and dada and mamma. He also likes reading. 

We went downtown today and bought some more board books for him cause he really likes Dr. Seuss. He likes turning the pages.

I also picked up presents for Natalia and Maria's unborn baby. Then we went to my hubby's work and I got to meet his manager and see his offices and he got to show off me and bus bus.

Now I need to run after bus bus.

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