Monday, March 10, 2008


Some people seem to think that I'm faking the snow on my car. Well I wish. The darn car is stuck in the snow. 

I can't get it out and neither can hubby. We've both been out digging it out and trying to get it out of that snowbank it's parked in. Not the same as the photo since I had to move it. Four wheel drive or two wheel drive doesn't make any difference, the car is not moving. I think it may be frozen to the ground. It's very cold today -14°C. Anyways after trying to get the stupid car out of the snowbank we gave up and are now hoping for some sun on it and some warmer temperatures so it will melt enough for us to get it loose. If not and if the orange signs comes up I guess we'll just have to suck it up and pay for the towing, but at least they'll get the car out. We don't need the car today or tomorrow anyways. 

We do need it on Wednesday morning when we're going to the paediatrician. I'm gonna write a list of all medication that's been given to the bus and then I'm gonna write a list of all the questions we have for the paediatrician. I am also gonna ask her why the bus never sleeps. Personally I think he's trying to kill us by torture and sleep deprivation. Hubby on the other hand thinks we're bad parents and we're creating bad habits. Whoever is right doesn't really matter, what matters is that the bus needs to start sleeping. He doesn't sleep much during the day so he should be nice and tired at night, which he is but then he wakes up every 2-3 hours and cries. He also still eats at least 3 times a night which is a lot for a baby his age. I just don't know what to do. I can't not feed him cause then he'll just cry until I give in and feed him and that just means we'll all be awake much longer than necessary. I can't remember what it is like sleeping like 6 hours straight without interruption. I hear of all these babies that belong to my friends that sleeps like 9 hours or 11 hours without waking up every night. It seems unfair and my hubby thinks they're lying. 

I love my bus but I do wish he would sleep more, at night. I don't care about the days as long as he sleeps at night. 

1 comment:

Mikalyx said...

Don't you guys worry about it, mine's 2 now and he still wakes up once or twice a night, he wants attention, and he created himself a bad habit. The doctor will probably guide you on that.

Don't call a tow truck, i'll pass by tomorrow if it's not out!