Friday, March 14, 2008


Everyone is having babies these days. Well maybe not everyone but a lot of people are having babies. Maybe it's just me being in the prime baby-age and all my friends feeling their biological clocks ticking. Maybe there's something in the water? Or maybe it's because the world is coming to an end?

I read somewhere (I would link to it if only I could remember where I read it) that the world is coming to an end the 20 December 2012 cause that's when the Mayan Long count calendar runs out. Then after that on December 21 2012 a new world will begin. So now you're probably thinking what does the world coming to an end have to do with having babies?

Well the article I was reading went on to say that we humans have a collective conscience, which means that we all know what everyone else in the world knows cause we can tap into the collective conscience. Like if I learn something everyone else can know it to. It' quite complicated but it has some science backing it, monkeys. The same species of monkeys lived on two different continent. On one of the continents the monkeys learned to use sticks to get food out of termite homes. A little while later the monkeys on the other continent were doing the same thing. The monkeys did not meet nor did anyone teach the monkeys to do this. The theory being that the knowledge of how to get the food were added to the collective conscience of the monkeys so that the other monkeys on the other continent could tap into this knowledge too.

So now to explain how this is connected to babies and the end of the world. Some people knows for sure that the world is coming to an end so this knowledge have entered the collective conscience so sub consciously we all know that the world is coming to an end. So what do we do with this knowledge? We have babies. Why? Because having babies is the most fulfilling experience any human can have. It's our purpose here in this world. So every person in the world is suddenly feeling the need to have babies. 

I told this to my sister-in-law, she thinks I'm being a bit bleak with the whole end of the world business. Maybe. Maybe we're all having babies because the economy is doing alright, or just because, as I said earlier, all the people I know are in their prime babie-making age.

Who knows eh?


Mikalyx said...

Althought it is an interesting idea, and not only shared by the maya, I think people are having more babies because there`s more people in the middle class section now. Economy is great in most places, and people are living on credit terms.

Jesus had said the same thing in the bible. I think were changing to the pieces era...or ending the pieces era or something...anyways, watch zielgeist free on the internet, it`s all related in there...have fun!!!

Anonymous said...

personnaly i beleive we are making babies because sex is fun!