Sunday, December 21, 2008

holiday blues

I started the day today by crying a little. Don't get me wrong I love the holidays and everything about Christmas but it also reminds me of how far away from my family I am. On top of all that emotional stuff W no longer loves me the best. He is now a daddy's boy through and through. He does not want to be with me if Daddy's around and when Daddy leaves he asks for him constantly. My afternoons and evenings now consists of me saying "Daddy's at work, Honey, he'll be back again tomorrow once you wake up" and "Daddy misses you too baby"

I love my Daddy...

It's really not that I don't love that W loves his Daddy as much as his Daddy loves him, but it's hard not to feel rejected when he cries and reaches for Daddy as soon as I try to cuddle him.

To make matters worse he has recently started hitting me too. Not by accident or anything, no. He will pick up a hard item, such as a book, phone (how very Naomi Campbell of him) or a toy and struggle to get it up to my face and then hit me with it. When me and J tell him "No! We do not hit, you have to be gentle with Mamma" he laughs and hits me again.

... and my Daddy loves me!

He did all of this first thing in the morning today and on top of me already feeling homesick and overwhelmed with Christmas prep and worries over how the actual party will turn out, I started crying... which made W cry. So this morning was not a good morning.

So do any of you have any advice? How do I deal with my 18 month old rejecting me and hitting me with hard stuff??


Anonymous said...

To be honest with you, it's kind of normal that he gets to the bonding part with JF. You got to have him inside you and that relation will always be there, so that bonding is important for them to build on. Wil has been with you for awhile now, so they do tend to get that way with mommy.


Lia said...

Susan: Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Snuttan, vad jag ska krama om dig när vi ses. Hoppas att han slutar slåss som Naomi snart men seriöst, jag kommer ihåg att Adam var precis likadan.. Snart ses vi gumman!!! PUSS