Monday, December 1, 2008


so another weekend gone. This one was filled with a farm visit and crazy stop at a horrible huge department store, fights about food and a trip downtown to check out some books and some christmas decorations.
Sunday was also first of advent so we lit one candle and I enjoyed some glögg and pepparkakor.

So lets talk about the farm. I found this farm online that's pretty close to where we live (only about half an hour by car) they have lots of different animals and they grow organic vegetables which they also sell there. It's on the west tip of the island of Montreal so there are beaches around and a nice forest you can walk around in and stuff. So we went there Saturday morning to look at the animals since W really love animals. The weather was perfect, not to cold and very sunny and almost all the animals were inside the barn so they were all easy to see for W and he could pet some of them. They had ducks, hens, bunnies, horses, ponies, donkeys, cows, sheep and lambs (so cute!), goats and emus. W was so excited and was running around the barn making animal noises and pointing and petting. It was great. We spent about an hour there and then made our way to the department store for food and some shopping.

The department store was packed with angry people, the food was bad and the whole experience was very unpleasant. I broke out in hives half way through. I break out in hives all the time for the weirdest reasons, like change in humidity levels, abrupt change in temperature and sometimes when I get stressed. It's easily fixed by taking some allergy meds but it's still a pain in the bumbum. So we went home.

Yesterday we cleaned the apartment and started fixing up the guest room. Then we went downtown and as soon as we got into the mall W started going "choo choo, choo choo" cause he remembered that there's a big train in there as part of the christmas decoration. Downtown was nice and a good time was had by all.

This week is so far looking a lot less busy then last week so maybe we will all have some time to relax before the real holiday madness begins. Maybe I'll repaint the guest room and get all the decorations up. We'll see.

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