Friday, February 29, 2008


I have a question. It's about eyelids. 

I've been watching my baby fall asleep quite a lot recently since if I leave while he's still awake he won't go to sleep.  I see him fight against the sleep and his eyelids getting heavier and heavier until he looses the fight against them and they close and he's gone. This led me to think that the eyelid is supposed to be closed and we use muscles all day to keep them open.
I decided to try my theory out by closing my eyes to see if there was any relaxation in my face but no. It was actually hard to keep them closed and it felt like a lot of effort to keep them closed. So this is my question:

Are eyelids, when relaxed, open or closed?

I asked Shay that question yesterday. Shay is my sister-in-law's husband's cousin, therefore he is in my extended family. He is from New Zeeland but he lives in London and he was over here to visit. He is the reason why I met my husband, if it hadn't been for Shay me and hubby would have never met cause hubby would not have gone to London or to the church that Sunday and we would never have met. I guess we should thank Shay. He came to see us on Wednesday and spent all day Wednesday and Thursday with us doing awesome things like watch TV and de-snow the car for me and helping me and bus do grocery shopping and taking us out for lunch. We haven't seen Shay since we moved away from London in 2005 so it was fun catching up and finding out what everyone else we used to live with are doing now. It felt very natural having Shay here with us but I guess that's because we used to live together before. We went out to dinner with Shay, my sister-in-law and two of her friends yesterday evening to this fancy steak and frites place. It was actually called 'steak and frites' and the name pretty much said it all. It was very good. While eating that's when I asked Shay about the eyelids, but he didn't know.

Bus stayed home with his grandma last night, she's back from Cuba but she'd going back up north again today so it was a short visit. She didn't have a great holiday, maybe that's karma for not baby sitting the bus for us last Saturday, who knows. She baby sat him yesterday though and he was being difficult and cried a lot. I think it's because he missed me. Hubby thinks I'm nuts. I guess we'll never know who's right.

Now I need to go catch up on my gossip since I've been so busy the last couple of days.

Oh and hubby got promoted up to official full-time at his company so congrats to him.


1 comment:

Mikalyx said...

Mmm...sorry about the no-reply of that post. I really thought about it long and it`s a tough question! Eyelids are kinda the opposite of what the rest of the body is. It is relaxing to close your eyes, but you do feel like they want to open by themselves.

The eyelid is really there to keep the eye moistured and to keep shit out. So the only reason why they are closed when you sleep is to serve their purpose of protecting the eye. So there`s no real state of relaxation with them. They work 24h a day, 7 days a week! Hope this helps!