Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Today I had to take my cat Brody to the vet for her booster vaccination. It's every three years so it's not that bad. I don't really like my cats since I had a baby. They loose a lot of hair and miaow during the night and are expensive to keep but I still feel obligated to take care of them. So I packed Brody in the pet taxi and off we went. She did well at the vet's and she's healthy and pretty so I was pretty proud. I bought her this toy filled with cat nip before leaving as a present for being well behaved. Apparently though I should have not bothered because halfway home she decides to pee in her pet taxi. That stuff stinks and since I didn't have a towel or anything in there it also splashes. I had to pull over and baby wipe half my car and digg out an old magazine to put in the pet taxi to soak up some of the pee. Brody during all of this, seemed to have forgotten she had to stay in the pet taxi all the way home when she peed, was miaowing at the top of her lungs and whaling. It was awful. It then took us forever to find parking. As soon as I got back here I dumped the whole pet taxi with cat and all into the bathtub and gave them both a good scrub. Brody hates bathing so that was a bit of a struggle too. It's a good thing there's another three years before I have to take her again, that'll give me enough time to forget about this. Next year it's Pico's turn. First time she went in the pet taxi when we picked her up that first day she pooed in there so I am always a bit iffy about bringing her anywhere. Besides it'll be embarrassing since she's so ugly and fat and her fur is all icky.

Nuff said.

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