Monday, June 15, 2009

The day after

Yesterday we had W's big birthday bash. It was in the park like last year and I was stressing so much about the baking and the weather that I failed to sleep the night before. So tired and cranky with a million things to do I begun my day.
W didn't get much sleep either and once the extended family showed up there were just no sleeping to be had so we had chicken, veggies and Dairy Queen blizzard cake instead.
Off to the park, me and W hung out at home for an extra 45 minutes after everyone else left. Once we got there we ate and played and some friends joined us and W got some more gifts and discovered the joy of smarties.
J dressed him for the party and for some reason he put him in the exact same clothes he wore last summer for his birthday so I'll be doing side by side pictures tomorrow. Today I'm still recovering. We're also getting his new bed tomorrow because on Wednesday my one year old will officially be 2 and there will be the birthday post.
The countdown is on. 2 days til W's birthday 10 days to mine and 16 until we go to Sweden.

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