Friday, June 5, 2009

Third Friday: the new world order issue

This Friday I thought I'd take a break from the baby and childhood related issues and go with a political one. As you may or may not know I've been studying International politics this spring so I am all read up on globalization, regionalism, nationalism and terrorism. The topic of the new world order has come up at several points during my studies specifically in the form of Mary Kaldor's "New and Old Wars" and excerpts from Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" and Fukuyama's "The End of History".
These three all give different perspectives on the new world order Kaldor for example argues for a cosmopolitan approach where the UN will take the role of world police and the focus will be on humans and humanitarian issues.
Huntington on the other hand believes that the world will be divided along the lines of the eight main civilizations: Western, Latin America, Islamic, African, Hindu, Sinic, Orthodox and Japanese. The world will then be clashing along the lines of these.
Fukuyama argues that the end of history is that the liberal capitalist democracy has won. Communism is no longer an option and the end of history is therefor the end of the humans ideological evolution.
Now personally I don't agree fully with either of these since Kaldor is way to optimistic and utopian in her world view and Huntington divisions are too rough and don't account for all the different kinds of cultures within the great eight. Fukuyama has a point when he says that the liberal capitalist democracy is the new leading form of governance but I can't agree with his belief that this is the end of history. One might even argue that it is in fact the continuation of history after the dead lock between communism and liberal democracy that was going on during the cold war.
I would hope that the future world order would include some shape or form or higher international government since that is a good way to keep peace and ensure that we don't destroy our planet too much. But I am not optimistic that this will in fact happen. Sovreignty is too important to the individual states.

What do you believe? Please share your realistic and unrealistic ideas about the new world order!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...