Monday, June 22, 2009

Thank you Supernanny!

I don't know how familiar you guys are with the awesomeness that is Supernanny?! Even before I got pregnant I used to watch the show regularly and take in all the glorious advice she dishes out. This week was my first opportunity to really try one of her techniques, the never-fail sleep technique!
We moved W into his big boy bed on Tuesday like I told you before and all was well. The first night he went to bed without trouble, the second night he kind of went to bed without trouble. The third night he got out of bed like a million times. So I tried the sleep technique which basically is the first time your kid gets out of bed you say "Bedtime darling" and put him back to bed, the second time you just say "bedtime" and put him back to bed and all the times after that you say nothing and just put him back in bed. The goal being to make your child realize that getting out of bed is pointless and they should just stay put.
So first night it took me about an hour and fifteen minutes before he stopped getting out of bed, the second night it took me fifteen minutes and the third night I only had to say "bedtime darling" and he didn't get up again. Tonight he's been in bed for about half an hour and he just came up for the first time so I'll see how it goes.
Since this worked so well I am exited to try some of Supernanny's other tricks like her naughty step, but I think W has to be a little older for that one to work.

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