Friday, June 12, 2009

Forth Friday: The abortion issue

I have wanted to talk about abortion here for a while but I find it to be a bit of a sensitive issue. I am pro choice. I believe that it's very much a woman's right to chose but I don't think it's right when it's being used as a contraceptive.
Now J's mom was quite young when she had him and his sister was very young when she had her first child. Both of them received pressure from family members to have abortions but they chose not to. J feels that abortion is tricky because he was almost aborted himself and so was his godchild.
My own personal opinion is that there are so many unwanted children in this world already so why should we force women to add to that if they do not want to. Keeping abortions legal is necessary to ensure that women don't try to do it to themselves or go to back alley clinics and get botched. But I do think it should be a carefully made decision. I think if possible both parents should be involved and it should never be used as a contraceptive, it should be a last resort.
I know a lot of people feel very strongly about abortions and the people who oppose it call the fetuses children in order to make the abortion into murder and part of me understands where they are coming from. Those children would have grown up to be people I might love who knows. But what makes it right to force someone to have a child they do not want. And what about cases of rape.
I think the abortion process should maybe be a bit more difficult say you should have to do some counseling before going through with it to ensure you know what you're doing.

I am very tired right now so I am rambling a bit. I hope you will all share your opinions with me.

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