Thursday, June 4, 2009

even worse

So if I thought yesterday was pretty crap with the whole cat pee incident it was unfortunately only the beginning. I took W to the park and he didn't really want to play so we went home. Once we got home he felt warm so I checked his temperature and he had a fever of 39.3°C (102.7°F). We had a very rough night with about 45 minutes of W just talking at around 4 am. At 6.30 he wanted to watch Finding Nemo. I was supposed to give it to him for his birthday but since it only 2 weeks away and he's sick I gave it to him yesterday. So I dragged my ass out of bed grabbed a bunch of blankets and went to sleep on the couch while W watched the movie. At 9.30 he's made it through almost 2 whole films and decided to wake his dad. He finally crashed again at 11 am and slept to 2.45 pm.
He now has a fever of 39.1°C and we spent about an hour and half sitting in our stairs looking at cars and people and throwing bread to the birds. It sucks that he's sick today since it's really nice outside and he was healthy last week when it rained. At least it's not next week when we're throwing him a birthday party or the week after when he'll actually turn 2.

I can't believe my little man is going to be 2 soon...

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