Friday, June 26, 2009

Sixth Friday: The non-issue?

Today I don't want to talk about circumcision, testing, spanking, world new order or abortion issues. Today I want to talk about a pop culture phenomenon, "Jon & Kate plus 8".
For those of you who are not aware of who Jon and Kate or the 8 are I'll give you a short summary. If you wish to know more you can go here.
So some years ago, about 11 or so I believe a man named Jon met a woman named Kate. They fell in love and got married. Then they tried to have kids but with no luck so they had some help and finally got twin girls Mady and Cara. A few years later they wanted to add just one more child to their brood so with some more help they got pregnant again only this time instead of one baby they got 6. Three girls: Alexis, Hannah and Leah, and three boys: Aaden, Joel and Collin. The couple are fundamentalist Christians and a big reason for them to keep all six embryos is their belief. For the last couple of years we have been able to follow the family on the TLC show "Jon & Kate plus 8"
On Monday this week (the 22nd of June 2009) they filed for divorce.
Now there has been a lot of talk about the Gosselins (that's their last name BTW) lately and rumours have been swirling about infidelities and stuff. It is also very well know that Kate is somewhat of a bitch and has been picking on Jon throughout the years. She famously berated him for breathing too loudly once on the show during interviews.
The divorce had sparked a lot of debate as to why this is happening and people are either blaming Kate for being such a bitch or saying it's all Jon's fault for not communicating and for hanging out with young girls when his wife is away. It appears as though Jon is the one who was pushing for the separation even though they say it was a joint decision. Jon said on the show that he was sad for the kids but also excited about the future and he kept repeating that he's only 32 years old. There is a funny recap of the show over here if you don't feel like sitting through the whole thing.
J has told me that he would never want to swap places with Jon and that any man would feel sorry for Jon and that I speak about the Gosselins the same way I speak about Victoria Beckham (more on that later) but I think that he's missing a major point here. Jon met Kate he fell in love he married her and he wanted to have babies with her badly enough to go through whatever fertility treatment they used to get pregnant... not once but twice! You can feel sorry for Jon all you want for having her for a wife but he knew what he was getting into.
Personally I am of the belief that the divorce is sad and there are a lot of kids involved which makes it even sadder but kids need their parents to be happy and if they are unhappy together it's probably best if they try to be happy apart. I don't believe in staying together for the kids but I also don't believe that divorce is a decision to take lightly. Marriage is work and you need to try to make it work before giving it up.
Well that's my two cents. I'll come back with a follow up post on Victoria Beckham another day because W just woke up from his nap.

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